Friday, September 2, 2011

A Bunch of Time Later...

I decided to start writing in this blog again. I had stopped last year because I was just so frustrated with the search and couldn't bring myself to write. However, now that a year has passed and I'm in pretty much the same boat as before, I am beyond the pain and suffering! Well, not really, but I figure if I don't write now I may never. And this is a great distraction from bigger, novel-like writing that I'm always meaning to do.

So where am I right now? Well, I'm subbing again! Last year, I had two long-term sub assignments, one in Middlebury for 4 months and one at CVU for 6 weeks. Between those, I subbed. This year is starting to look a lot like last year. Except that last year I knew that I had the Middlebury position when the year started. This year I'm starting with next to nothing, aside from an interview next week. I'll get to that later.

Over the summer I had six interviews total. None of the jobs "worked out" but I got a lot of encouraging calls from the principals that I should keep trying and that the person they chose was either more qualified or just a better match. So while they didn't laugh in my face or anything, I'm still left without a job.

The one shining light to come out of all this was that I was available to fill in at a local middle school for the start of the year. They had someone who was going to be a long term sub for special ed but ended up getting a permanent position last minute. So they were left with no teacher and not enough time to conduct interviews. I happen to know the principal from my one year-long position and I think that helped in their decision to call me. I'd subbed there in the past and had a pretty good rapport with the teachers and students so it should be good. I'll be there for about a week and a half.

I had my first day yesterday and really didn't do much. When I first got there, however, one teacher said, "So you're the sub for the sub? Sub sub - about as low as it gets."

Of course, he said it in a joking way and sort of apologized after but that's one of the reasons I really hate subbing. Hmmm, I have the same schooling as you and am probably a good deal more qualified than you were when you got your teaching job... But of course I won't mention that and thank you so much for welcoming me into your school.

My plan is to write frequently. Feel free to bug me if I haven't written in a while. And keep your fingers crossed that something more long term will come my way!

1 comment:

  1. I subscribed to your RSS, so now you have to write more!
